Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I know how to play winter games also.  More than that,  I know how to do them with a smile and no eye contact.  More than that I know how to do them quickly and to lie so that I can move on with my very own life.

Last night we watched THE HOBBIT.  It was wonderful.  Of course, he hated it.

This morning, I told him that the older one and her boyfriend would be invited to the second seder.   I did it because I spoke to the younger one who is NOT part of the triad and she would have no where else to go. I saw that he would have made this an issue and I decided to diffuse it.   It may sound confusing but it keeps them on their toes.

Santos came to shovel.  He was going to negotiate the price and of course was angry when I didn't.  He tried to create an issue and I must smile when I write this because I told him to hold that thought, something that I have never said.  I hope to get to walk Home Depot and go to yoga tonight.

I called my girlfriend and she was surprised that I did it from home.

I invited the younger one for a girls day on Thursday.

I'm reading a really good book.  I'm creating delicious dinners because he refuses to eat anything but pasta.  And he makes his own dinner too!!!!

I'm not letting his moods affect me and even I'm surprised.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned to play the game.

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