Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for another snow day.  This makes the second one, but there is a big storm coming over the weekend.

I was really bright to get the rest of the Triad involved in his behaviors.  He has quieted down for now because I can always, text or e-mail them.  No real conversation is necessary with them.  However, they call him with suggestions and this does not sit well with them. It never does with a bully.   I understand that this is only a stop gap measure until the snow thaws, but I will take it. The threat of not retiring or buying another condo works too.  

 He drove me home and I returned my library book.  

We both make our own dinners which suits me fine.  I no longer have to listen to his complaints.

Santos has already come to shovel.  I brought work home to begin.  I can read, go on FACEBOOK, text and enjoy my life.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this snow day.

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