Friday, February 14, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for leading me to MINDFULNESS MEDITATION.

I have had trouble cutting my losses.  I have done so with him.  However, it is more difficult with the older one. After all, I gave birth to her.  However, environmentally, she is just like him even though she was conceived by artificial insemination.    I  have held on too long to a relationship that doesn't exist, except in my mind.  

It is time to cut my losses.  I was wrong with my decision that we could be friends.  She wanted every other woman in the town EXCEPT me.  She made clear that she didn't value anything that I valued and yet I did not cut my losses.  The behavior is often described as, "throwing good money after bad."  I didn't want to feel that I had been wrong when my decision led to an undesirable outcome.  I continued this type of behavior even though we had July 31, 2012. This week, I tried to share that he was verbally abusing me  and how exhausted I was.   She hung up on me and never re-visited the discussion.  She had made her choice.  She had chosen him and I finally accepted it.   It was time to cut my losses. 

Through the years, I wasted time ( sleepovers at her apartment, come to the condo) in an attempt to regain my initial investment.  In other words, I refused to take, "NO" for an answer.  She finally stopped inviting me to sleep over because I didn't want to take her neighbor to dinner.  We could not go to town on Saturday night at the condo because she might see a neighbor that she wanted as her mother.   She stopped coming.

Mindfulness meditation is my attempt to make more rational decisions by considering the information in the present moment.  I will not focus on the past or future.  This will lead me to less negative emotion and will finally give me the ability to let go.  Once I let go, as with him, there is no going back.   This time, for my own health, I will do it.

I am grateful to the Almighty on this, the Sabbath before winter break for showing me mindfulness meditation.

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