Monday, February 10, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because HE has made me a strong person.

It could have been a difficult weekend with him, but it wasn't because I knew enough not to engage in too much conversation with him.  I did many activities that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Sunday was difficult because I slipped and tried to engage him in conversation. I thought that he would move forward and see the error of his ways.    This was NOT a good idea and it backfired in my face.   I did take myself out for dinner and invented friends that I had gone with.

I need in the future to really let go of thinking that he will change in any way and not answer his snide comments.

I managed to do that this morning as I got ready to drive myself to work because he had a doctor's appointment.  Remember his bad cold/flu/congestive heart failure??????  I admit that it is difficult because we are in the house together much too much.  However, each day is one day less!!!!

Today, I am proud to say that I drove myself to work.  That made my heart soar. 

I will read tonight and watch the Olympics.

My heart will soar.

Thank you, Almighty for my strength.

Later:  It's 11:43 AM.  And of course he's fine.  And of course he's sorry. However, this is why I'm not retiring or taking off days to be with him, or buying another condo.  Do I look crazy?????  

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