Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the ability to be silent.

This morning he came with me as I drove to work.  He had an appointment to get the oil changed on the truck.   What a ride!!!!  Whatever subject I brought up, he needled about.  I am grateful to the Almighty that I didn't answer him.   We could have been off and running.

 That explains why I feel tired.  It is hard being with someone who spends his days looking for topics to needle about.   I think that I have managed very well, but it certainly is emotionally draining.   It is not pleasant.

I went to a retirement meeting yesterday.  I would retire if I felt comfortable in the home.  I don't.   He goes from one topic to the next.  For the moment, he has given up discussing the condo and Izzy, but he has many other topics.    He tried on Sunday with the Folgers coffee. He will fail.  However, he won't give up.

My guess is that with the weather getting better and once Passover is organized, I will be less available at home to listen to him.

I have dentist appointment today.   I hope that all goes well.

Later-   Thank you, Almighty!!!!!  All went well with the dental checkup.  The bonding didn't break!!!  I'm good to go until September!!!!!!

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