Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for sending me yoga which taught me to live in the moment.

The older one is coming back from vacation today.  For him, that's a partner in all of the abuse that was dumped upon me through the years.  I started to think about that this morning and then I pulled back because I want to live in the moment and appreciate all the gladness of my life.  I succeeded!!!!!

Yesterday, after dinner, I began my new book for the March Yoga Book Club.   I went to sleep early because I was exhausted from all my fun experiences this past weekend.    I awoke after 9 hours of sleep feeling much better.

I drove myself to work.  No snow is predicted this week!!!  Tonight, this enables me to attend my Restorative Yoga Class and go to a Sisterhood Meeting where we will be discussing, HUSH as well as having a Purim activity.  I'm excited!!!!!

Life is good.   

I am grateful to the Almighty for teaching me to live in the moment.

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