Thursday, March 6, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for making me a strong woman.

I received an e-mail from a friend that I met in high school.  I know from FACEBOOK that she has a very successful life.  She is a CPA and has lovely, married children that she gets together with frequently even though they live in another state.  She is happily married. I see all her pictures on FACEBOOK.   She wanted to get together since she will be in my area.  I started to think of my memories.  What could we discuss that wouldn't be a story to tell friends???   I was upset as I relived my past.  

However, this morning, I moved on.  I sent an e-mail saying that I wouldn't be in town that weekend and how sorry that I was that I wouldn't see her.   I then moved on.  YOGA TAUGHT ME TO LET GO OF THAT WHICH DOESN'T SERVE ME SO I CAN HEAL!!!!!

This weekend is the older one's birthday.  We are getting together on Sunday.  I invited his parents which will give me someone else to talk to.   I will have to listen to him complain all weekend about the boyfriend and his parents.   That's the key.   I will have to listen, not respond.  YOGA HAS TAUGHT ME TO LET GO THAT WHICH DOESN'T SERVE ME SO I CAN HEAL!!!!!

I took a wonderful Level 1 Yoga Class last night with Leslie.   I am spending the week gaining weight to celebrate my good Weight Watchers weigh-in last Sunday.

Tonight is Open School Night.  I am having dinner with a friend before.  Then I will come back to announce the periods.  Big fun!!!

Tonight I hope to watch Parenthood, my favorite show!!!  I also hope to read.  I did not have time last night.

Thank you, Almighty for making me a strong woman.  Thank you also for sending me yoga.

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