Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all of my blessings.

I went to my Restorative Yoga Class last night after I made a delicious dinner of sole and vegetables.   It was awesome.   I signed up for a March workshop dealing with how to rid yourself of negative thoughts.  It will be taught by a social worker and then Leslie will do yoga with us.   I'm very excited.

After that, I went to a Sisterhood Meeting where the novel, Hush was discussed.  It was a very moving discussion and I felt so comfortable around friends.

I came home to read the next book for the Yoga Book Club.

Tonight I will attend my Level 1 yoga class.  I will read my book.  I did ask him if he wanted to go for dinner and he declined it.  That's fine with me.  I have enough in my life.  It's not like years ago when I would beg to do something.........anything and the answer was always, "NO!!!!!"

I am truly blessed with a good life and I am so grateful to the Almighty for this.

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