Friday, March 7, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all of my accomplishments.

Tonight it will be the beginning of Sabbath.  As is my custom,  I look back on the week to see my accomplishments.  I participated in a variety of activities that made my heart soar.  I attended yoga classes.  I signed up for a yoga workshop later in the month.  I spoke to friends.  I started my new book for the Yoga Book Club.  I went to a wonderful Sisterhood meeting where we discussed the book,  HUSH.  I facilitated Open School Night at work.   I went to dinner with a friend.    This afternoon, I will go for a manicure.   I did have fun gaining some weight because I got weighed on Sunday and now I will loose it.

This morning, he was going to start an issue about the dog.  The dog isn't to get challah because he might be allergic to it.  What was his solution??  He wanted to buy small challahs and was ready to create an issue about this.   I had to get to work so I didn't answer him.  In the car, I was upset, but then I thought of all my positive accomplishment and I just let the confrontation go.  It didn't serve me to get upset.

At that point, I was amazed.   I realized what a yogi I had become.   I was grateful to the Almighty for all of my accomplishments.   I was most grateful for HIS bringing me to yoga.

Good Shabbos!!!!!

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