Sunday, March 30, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the wonderful things that He has taught me.

Today, I will remain busy and in the moment.

I have already started this morning.  I straightened up.  I took the dog out.  I did a wash.  I cleaned out bookshelves.  I made my bed.  I texted.

I'm off to a yoga class.

I find that being productive is a valuable thing.

More later!!!!

My yoga class was wonderful!!!!   I went to Fresh Produce afterwards and then to Home Depot to walk because it is raining outside.   I purchased meat at Woodbury Kosher for the Passover holiday, put gas in my truck and went to DD for amazing coffee.

I was able to read both newspapers at breakfast.   I set the table for the seders.   Now I am again on the computer listening to Frozen.  

I will be reading my book, showering and going to ShopRite.

I hope to go out for dinner.

Thank you, Almighty for teaching me to be in the moment.

FYI-   He cooperated with me nicely today.  We returned from the butcher where I needed a shank bone.  He actually saw it missing as we set the table for the seders.  We went to ShopRite and I found muffins as well as the Horse Radish. We had time to watch a Netflix film too.
THEN..............the older one texted to ask about seders.  If you remember, she is going to the bf for the first one, for a dinner, no seder.  She wanted to be picked up at the train.  I texted back that it was Yom Tov.  She said that if her sister wouldn't/couldn't drive them she would rent a ZIpCar and would have to leave early.  I said, fine."  Doesn't she realize that I know what she is???   This is why I distance myself from her.  He too was upset.  He hates bf.  This group makes some TRIAD.

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