Monday, March 24, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because with His help,  I can become a strong and silent person.

There are changes happening within the group of people that I loosely call a family. Along with everything else that is wrong with the boyfriend, I believe now that his father is Muslim from Iraq and so is he.  That's why he had that name that no one can pronounce.

Her fate is in the Almighty's hands.  We really don't have much of a relationship.  As a result of this, I will have even less of a relationship with her.  I did the best that I could to bring he up.  I have no guilt about this at all.

I need to move on.  She was never a daughter and that isn't going to start now.

I had a very successful day yesterday.  My Passover preparations are going well.  I was able to read my book.  I was able to walk for 2 hours as well as take my yoga class.

Today will be a different kind of day.  It's freezing outside.  I will walk in the building and then see if the liquor store has Passover wine.  I need to get to the bank too and possibly Harmon's for hair care products.

Tomorrow they are predicting SNOW!!!!  However, not too much.  I have a book club and a yoga class that I would like to get to.

I will be strong thanks to the Almighty with this new crisis.

I will continue to enjoy my own life and it's blessings.

Thank you, Almighty.

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