Thursday, March 13, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for today!!!!

The weather people had predicted black ice and I thought that he would have to drive me to work.  There was no black ice and I TOOK MYSELF TO WORK.   I am thrilled!!!!!

Last night I went to a wonderful LEVEL 1 Yoga class.  I enjoyed it a great deal. I learned to look towards the light.  This to me meant that I had to live in the present and be positive about the future.

Today, I will attend my MEMORY WORKSHOP.   I really enjoy the group and what each member says.   We are discussing WARM WEATHER EXPERIENCES AS A CHILD.

Later:   The workshop went on for 2 hours.  It was so enjoyable!!!!  I am so grateful for today.

I hope that the book that I want to read is in the library.  I will find out today.   Meanwhile, the book that I'm reading about JOHN GARFIELD is quite good.

Later:   The book has not come in to the library yet.  I will be called.

Tonight, I will watch PARENTHOOD.  I need to call one of my friends to discuss it.

Later:   I did call my friend to discuss the last two episodes.  I'm excited to watch tonight's.  We will talk later.

Thank you, Almighty for today!!!!!

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