Saturday, March 8, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all of the blessings that He has bestowed upon me.

I had fallen asleep on Thursday night and didn't get to finish watching Parenthood.  Thanks to technology, I was able to finish watching the show on the computer.  I then read my book for the Yoga Book Club.  It was wonderful.   

I lit candles, made Shabbos dinner and got a great night's sleep.

It is a beautiful day.  It is going to be 51 degrees this afternoon.  My intention is to walk for 2 hours.  I am so excited!!!!!   (Later-   I did get to walk for 2 hours.  It was like Spring outside!!!!!)

I am grateful because I went to services today and was able to hang out with my friends.

Tonight, sadly, I will be paying a shiva visit.  One of my friends has passed away.  I am grateful to the Almighty because I am healthy.

Thank you, Almighty, for all the blessings in my life.

I am grateful.

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