Sunday, March 2, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the goodness in my life.

I have learned to be quiet, to not voice all my opinions and that has made my life feel like I'm on vacation.   I did not say a word when he told me he had found a condo.  Then it turned out that it was a three bedroom condo that he didn't want.  I did not voice my opinion about the coming snow and whether we should cancel tickets to Cinema Arts.  He made that decision.  Life is very quiet.  He has kept up the same disposition which truly lets me know that he did bully me all these years.  I have accomplished so much with my life in spite of him.  However, I haven't said a word.  I have gone on with my life.

Last night I did get to walk at Home Depot with him.  We did go to Fresh Produce and to DD.  I made dinner.  I had time to read.  Life is good.

Today snow is predicted.   I was able to take my Level 1 yoga class.  I walked at Home Depot.  I was able to go to my monthly Weight Watchers meeting. My weight is the same as last month, down from the same time last year.  I came home with DD to eat breakfast and read the newspapers and go on the computer.

I want to take a look at the Income Tax today.   The plan is to go out to dinner because there  no longer is a Cinema Arts plan.  For him it was all able the food served during the Oscars at Cinema Arts.    I didn't care if I went or not.  I had seen the films.

I am grateful to the Almighty for all the goodness in my life.

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