Sunday, March 23, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because yesterday I was overcome with anger as well as sadness.  The Almighty has helped me to understand that I must be grateful for my own happiness.

I did a very good job raising the older one.  She did not have the ingredients to make a decent daughter.   It is time for me to move on.   Her fate is in the Almighty's hands, not mine.   

I need to plan less activities with her because I need to give up old dreams and live in the real world.

I attended services yesterday and was not able to hang out with my friends because I went to the yoga studio.  I missed seeing the younger one which is fine because one never knows what mood she will arrive in.

 I took a Yoga and Negative Emotions Workshop.  It really helped me to understand that I need to move on. It was beautiful outside and I was able to walk for 2 hours.   I called friends as I walked.  I was able to read my book for the Sisterhood Book Club.  

Today, I will take a Level 1 Yoga Class.  I hope to walk for two hours again although they say it will be colder.  I want to read my book.  I will continue my Passover preparations.  These are done for myself because I love the holiday.   All in all,  I have planned a nice day for myself.

I hope to go to dinner tonight.

I am thankful to the Almighty for my own happiness.   I did the best that I could do for my children and am not responsible for their adult behaviors.   They will answer to the Almighty.

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