Friday, June 27, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have changed and my life is now filled with adventures.

We did straighten up the condo.  Interestingly enough I have built a beautiful life at home so that I'm not really interested in the condo.  I went.  I cleaned.  I was non-emotional about it. We even went out for a lovely dinner.  In the past I would be building "dreams" but now I am "reality based."

I walked for two hours this morning and then took 2 yoga classes which I love.  I came home with DD coffee and read the newspapers.

My last check was lost at work and then found and now it will be mailed to me.  Another adventure!!!

I'm on my way to the pool!!!

Tonight is the Sabbath and I thank the Almighty for my new adventures.

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