Sunday, June 8, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the joys that I feel in my life.

I had a wonderful time at the dog park yesterday.  I'm getting to know all the people as well as their dogs. I feel comfortable there.  Matzah loves chasing balls and smelling asses.  My job is to retrieve the balls.  His job is to sit.

After dinner, we were going to watch a film.  However, I pretended to be exhausted so that I could read.  It worked!!!!

This morning I walked at 6:30AM for an hour.  I am going to a Great Books conference in Garden City. Two novels were assigned and they will be discussed.  I'm excited.

I will walk when I get home because I owe myself an hour.

More later.......................................

The Great Books conference was very enjoyable.  The discussion was very intellectual and interesting.   He picked me up and later in the day we went to Rachel's in Freeport to have dinner.  I kept my part of the conversation very light and the day ended on a high note.

If I can remember who and what I'm dealing with then I should be fine in retirement.

Thank you Almighty for allowing me to see the joys in my life.

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