Tuesday, June 3, 2014


How can I begin to write about how grateful I am to the Almighty for all that He has done for me??

As I drove in to work today, I realized again that I was retiring on June 27th.  That date will take on new meaning for me because it will be forever know as the day that I retired.

I thought about my entire life and how the Almighty was there for me through the abuse of my parents, spouse and children.  

I made it!!!  I have friends.  I have activities.  I am happy.  I achieved a remarkable career with a wonderful pension.   I am awed by this and grateful to the Almighty because He was there for me.

Tonight I will attend a study session at PJC for the holiday of Shavouth. I will then be taking off Wednesday and Thursday in honor of the holiday.    I hope to walk for my 2 hours.  I finished the books for GREAT BOOKS  and will start the book for the Sisterhood Book Club.

He is not a decent person.  The Almighty knows all this.  I am asking Him to give this man a decent PET/CAT scan today so that my life can begin.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I made it!!!

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