Sunday, June 1, 2014


I am so grateful to the Almighty because He made me a strong woman with the ability to achieve.

Yesterday, I had a wonderful day!!!!  It ended with going to the Dog Park where Matzah actually brought back the ball that I threw many times.  It was amazing!!  I was able to read my book for GREAT BOOKS which is an all-day conference in Garden City next Sunday!!!

He was in a decent mood.  He thinks that if he is in these different moods, I will become frustrated, but that is not me. I understand him now.  I never say anything.  I just do the things that I love.

It is almost 6:30AM on a beautiful Sunday morning.  It is very still outside.  My aim is to walk by 7:00AM and then go to yoga.  As I walk or do yoga, I think about how grateful I am to the Almighty.  I think about all that I have gone through and all that I have achieved.  I am so grateful for my successes.  I am trying to let go of my disappointments.

 It's a busy day because I also want to get to Weight Watchers for the June weigh-in among other errands.  I hope to get some color today and to read also.  I have my first Apple One-to-One lesson later.  I am excited.

I'm thinking about going out to dinner.  We will see!!  

Thank you, Almighty for making me a strong woman with the motivation to achieve at all costs.

I am grateful!!!

Later-  I am at the Apple Store for my first Introduction to Your Mac Group Training.  The weather has been beautiful.  I have accomplished everything that I set out to do.  I have decided to make dinner on the deck.  It's a beautiful night.  I showered Matzah while I got color for an hour. I will read my book later.

He has been reasonable.

I am grateful!!!!

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