Saturday, June 21, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because my retirement is just around the corner.  My last day is June 27, 2014.   I am so joyful that I made it through the rain.

I must remember to be quiet when I am around him as he is waiting to strike.  I am so glad that I took off these last few days because I was able to observe him.  I observed that he is waiting to attack.  He is trying so hard to start little fires and is hopeful that I will pick up on one of these topics and a full fledged argument will begin.   THAT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN!!!  I also observed what his retirement is like.  He does chores around the house and that is it.  He is filled with rage and he thinks he has an outlet.  His only outlet is to implode.

Today is the Sabbath.   I am off to attend services and hang out with some friends.  Then I will walk, read the papers, look at the mail and relax.

He is in charge of what we do tonight.  This should be interesting!!!!

More later.......................Initially he told me that we were going out to dinner and then to see a film.  Neither thing happened.  We went to the dog park and had tuna salad for dinner.  That is fine with me.   I told him that I was not in charge of plans because I was tired of hearing "NO" at everything that I suggested.   Last night he told me that tomorrow we would not be going out east which is fine with me also.  He got into a fight with the younger one when she wanted to come tomorrow and he told her that we had a condo meeting.   We didn't. She called him a lier. She is coming after her course and we will have dinner with her.

All of this is fine with me.  I'm not involved in any of it.   I am grateful that I can experience my own joy and that I have quiet.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this Sabbath.

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