Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

I took off from work today.  I will NOT return until next Tuesday.  Work is over as far as I am concerned and I'm ready to embrace my new life.

At home I embrace it with calmness.  My new mantra, learned last night at Restorative Yoga is that PEACE BEGINS WITH ME.  I know what to say and when to say it.  This has freed me to enjoy my own life and I am grateful for this.  

My Restorative class was wonderful and then I went to the final Sisterhood meeting of the year. Many friends congratulated me upon retirement and upon the older ones engagement.  I was delighted to be accepted after all that I had suffered through the years.

I will be walking for two hours in a short time.   I have errands to run.  Then there is DD coffee to drink with my newspapers.

Today is my Yoga Book Club which I love. I will be able to relax in the backyard with the dog.  I hope to continue reading my new book for the Syosset Book Club.   I also will have a late day yoga class PLUS a wonderful workshop later tonight with MEDITATION and SINGING BELLS.   

I am thrilled to be doing all this.

Retirement has almost begun.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

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