Friday, June 6, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because he has given me a new lease on life.

I knew how to handle him yesterday.  I went about my business, accomplishing EVERYTHING that I wanted to do.

My RETIREMENT PARTY was awesome.  I had an amazing time.  It is time for me to play and hopefully this is what the Almighty has in store for me.  I wore a beautiful black dress and looked beautiful.  I did not invite the girls knowing what they had done to me and the fact that I couldn't play pretend.  He had to put on his usual, I'm with people act and it passed.

However, I'm so beyond that.  I celebrated my accomplishments and let go of my disappointments.

Chris, the Principal, was funny when he announced me because he said, "and here is Arlene, who now works one day a week."

I took today off to walk, do yoga and celebrate my accomplishments.  

I'm going to relax later and get some color.  I will read.  I will learn how to PLAY!!!!

Thank you, Almighty for my new lease on life.

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