Thursday, June 19, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because today I am again following the yellow brick road of adventure.

I took another day off.  School ends next week and I consider this period as my pre-retirement!!!!!  It is to quote US History....The Age of Exploration.

I am enjoying it so much.  This morning, I'm going to walk even though there is a slight drizzle.  It is summer after all!!!!

I am taking a yoga class that I took only once before, but really enjoyed.  It is called, Meditation/Gentle Restorative.

I also have a periodontal appointment.  I pray that my bonding doesn't get broken.  I'm planning on only working Tuesday and Thursday next week and I want to be able to do that.

More later.....................

There was no rain when I walked.   The yoga class was wonderful!!!  I will take it again.  Next stop is the periodontist!!!!!!    With the help of the Almighty, the bonding won't be broken!!!!!

I did figure him out.  It came to me while walking as all good thoughts do.  I have taken away all his weapons.  He can't bully me.  He doesn't know my friends so he can't insult them. If he makes a nasty comment about my friend who lives down the block (the family he sent Italian food and Roto Rooter to)  I don't answer.   I always invite him to activities even though he always says, "NO!!!" I expect him to do this.   I don't describe what I do. I'm quiet, agreeable and don't plan anything with him.    He is at a loss as to what to do to upset me.   He uses his remarks as a way to start an issue. (YOU made the dog cry!!!!   WE are not at all alike!!!) I'm supposed to respond.  I DON'T.   HE HAS FAILED MISERABLY and I'm going to love watching this while I enjoy my new adventures. 

The periodontal checkup was a huge success!!!   The bonding DID NOT BREAK!!! Thank you, Almighty!!!!  I do not have to go back until December.   We went to the dinner and had diner.  I celebrated by eating cookies for dessert!!!!

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