Monday, June 2, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for brining me to yoga.

I have a new mantra.  There are mantras that I say daily, but last week in Restorative Yoga, Dawn spoke of a short mantra to take you threw the day.  Mine is, "Inhale PEACE, exhale FEAR."  This is going to help me make the transition from WORK to RETIREMENT.

Today, I went to work.  My goal is to work on Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday and Thursday are my personal days. It will be the holiday of Shavoth. Thursday night is my retirement party.  Wow!! I smile as I write this.  It took a long time for me to decide to retire.  I had to be safe in my own home. I had to have strategies to be safe and I do.  

I am thankful to the Almighty for this.

Today, I will go to the bank.  I will walk and continue to read my book for GREAT BOOKS.

I am making pasta for dinner.

I am experiencing joy in myself.  I am looking at the world differently.  I am seeing the world for the first time.

Thank you, Almighty.

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