Monday, June 16, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has made me a strong person.

There are times when I wonder if I made the right decision in retiring.   I guess that is normal considering that I have worked all of my life.   However, honestly, I feel as if I can't work another day!!!!

I will go in tomorrow.  I get annoyed when I go in because they dump work on me.  However, I can do as little as possible and that is what I intend to do!!!!!

Today, I am home.  It's beautiful outside.  I will finish writing, do some chores and walk for 2 hours.  Yoga is also on the agenda.

I will get through this.  June 27th is just around the corner and that is the last day.

Thank you, Almighty for making me a strong woman!!!!

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