Saturday, June 28, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because my retirement will lead me into a world filled with many adventures.

I am walking this morning for an hour BEFORE SERVICES.  I will finish the last hour in two halves, BEFORE and AFTER REIKI at my workshop this afternoon.

This is the first Sabbath that I am going to services as a retiree!!!  I am excited!!!!

Yesterday was our anniversary and I received a beautiful diamond ring that he chose.  The pool was awesome.  I loved reading my book there.

Tonight we will go to see a film and THEN out to dinner.  It is a film that he chose.  

I definitely know how to be silent and reflective in dealing with him.  It won't work all the time however I live in the present.   Namaste!!

Thank you Almighty for getting me to this pout of retirement so that I can have new adventures!!!

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