Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful new life that I will have.

I will be doing the same activities that I so love:   YOGA,  MEDITATION,  WALKING,  ACTIVITIES AT PJC, BOOK CLUBS..................   I will doing these things calmly and enjoying them in the moment.

I have my health. I have friends.  I have activities. I have a nice pension that I can enjoy.  I have a lovely condo.  I know how to handle the TRIAD. I have faith in the Almighty. Life is good.

I came to work today on the one day that I will work.

Today I will walk when I get home.  I will read.   I will attend my Restorative Yoga class.

Thank you, Almighty for helping me to reach this milestone.

I am grateful!!!!

Later-  I did really work and I'm not going to miss this!!!  I wrote goals for 5 students.  I collected books and proctored  The Living Environment Regents.   I'm not going to miss this at all!!!! I'm not coming back until next Tuesday!!!!!

Thank you, Almighty for getting me to this point in my life!!!!

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