Saturday, June 14, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I believe in myself and then ask Him for help.

Today I went to services as I do every Shabbos.  The part of the Torah that I read talked about the 12 spies that went in to Israel and how they didn't believe in themselves to be able to conquer the Holy Land.  The point was made that one has to believe in ones abilities and then believe in the Almighty.

I was amazed because this is the way I made it through the rain.  I believed in my ability to succeed and I prayed to the Almighty for His help.

I am so grateful to Him for this.

I had a wonderful time at Kiddush with friends.   I came home to walk, read newspapers, set up my next book and then to take Matzah to the dog park.

Tonight I hope to watch a Netflix film.

I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me the ability to believe in myself.

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