Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because He allowed me to burn out another day.

It's amazing, but, I really can't wait until "work" is over and I can begin my new life.  Yesterday I was given 17 packets to write goals for.   I sat in my office, all alone, to do this.  This is isolation, not work!  I'm glad that I am leaving.

I went to the Syosset Book Club and told other friends about my retirement.  They are retired and were happy for me.  One wasn't but wished that she could be.  The book discussion was good and I came home to read my book for the Yoga Book Club.

Today, I took off.  It's raining and I will walk, whether inside or out, I don't know.  

I also decided to attend the Rabbi's Lunch and Learn.  They are discussing The Ukraine situation.  Tonight, I'm going out to dinner with the Sisterhood Book Club and then to another book discussion.

I am enjoying my new life.  It is quiet and intellectual and fun!!!

Thank you, Almighty for allowing me to burn yet another day.

I am grateful!!!! 

Later............I just returned from Lunch and Learn.  It was wonderful.  The Rabbi and the group accepted me.  I am free of the bonds of the triad.  I could cry!!!!  Now I'm doing some computer work and other chores.  I'm meeting the girls at 6PM for dinner before the book club.

Later Even..................Dinner was wonderful!!!!  Book discussion was great!!!!   My new life will be a delight!!!!!

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