Monday, January 13, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because He made me a strong and capable woman.  I will meet every challenge with a smile.

I had a wonderful weekend that I created for myself.  It culminated in me getting a manicure with yoga symbols on it.

"A" couldn't take it anymore and he actually tried to start one of his arguments with me.  I could have walked out of the room.  However, this time I chose to tell him that I would not be bullied.  I used my quiet little voice.  I only spoke for a short period of time.  I told him again that life was like a time line and that I wouldn't waste mine doing this.  He said that we were very different and I agreed.  I said quietly that if he had told me the truth about himself, we would never have been together.  I said that since he said "No" to all of my suggestions, I took my older daughters suggestion and found a life.  He needed to do the same.

I know that he can't.  I didn't smile outwardly, but inwardly.  His idea of a life is to bully me. That isn't going to happen.   These discussions won't happen except like yesterday for a few minutes at the end of a wonderful weekend that I created.  He needed to know that I won't be bullied, or change or live in fear of him.

Tonight, I chose to stay home and read my incredible new book.

Thank you Almighty for making me strong and capable!!!

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