I am grateful to the Almighty because I know how to let go of that which doesn't serve me so that I can survive.
I enjoyed my snow day. I read the newspapers. I drank DD coffee. I really like my new book. I enjoyed sleeping later. I texted my friends. I went on FACEBOOK. I ordered another book from Amazon. I spoke to a friend on the phone.
I survived all of his assaults. I was calm, cool and collected, so much so that he had to ask what this was because I kept agreeing with him about everything. And I could see that this really annoyed him.
He kept trying to eat a meal with me and accused me of not spending time with him. I needed to eat quietly and not be accused and I was quiet and strong so no argument could be had.
I had to eat dinner with him. It was a wonderful meal. Salmon, burnt broccoli and spaghetti squash with sauce. The night before he decided that he had a disease and couldn't eat. That was to play on my anxiety. It didn't work. Tonight, he said it was too cold to eat and he would move next year to where it was warm. He was angry. I agreed and that ended that. Anyway, I enjoyed the meal but his share was in the garbage. I didn't react at all.
What are bricks without cement??
His job is to wash the floor. He broke a shelf in the linen closet getting the last roll of toilet paper for me and then had a hard time getting up. I asked him if his pacemaker or defibulator moved (remember that???). He asked me to wash the floor and I readily agreed except with his new mop, only he knows how to do this.
He is sleeping in the den with the fireplace on. He's there now. It's quiet!!!
I have definitely let go of that which doesn't serve me and have moved on. I am very proud of myself
Thank you, Almighty for allowing me to learn this!!!!!
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