Thursday, January 23, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for keeping me safe. 

You have done this through the principles of yoga and I am very grateful to you.

He is trying very hard to be confrontational.  I have already written about his antics yesterday, my snow day.

He had to drive me this morning because of the ice and snow and my leg issues.  He began again in the car.  It was very difficult to keep composed while I am sitting next to him.  He searches  for a way in to make me upset so that he can begin his tirade.  However, he will not succeed!!  I have let go of that which doesn't serve me so that I can heal!!!!

This does however, sadden me because I would like to lash out but I know that this has no end to it. It would only give him satisfaction. In the past, it has been set up so that the police were called.  I remember July 31, 2012.   It will not happen again.

I'm at work now, my safe place.  I'm off to substitute for an Earth Science teacher who needs to give lab tests.

I will write more later................

I returned at 9:55.  The lab tests will be given tomorrow when I will substitute.   I waited until 11:30 to call him.  That gave me time to eat breakfast and read the papers.   He mentioned the older one and even asked her how her live-in boyfriend is.  What a change!!!!!  He said that he knew that I didn't like her.  I objected and said that was the past and that she was lovely. What a phony conversation!!!!!!!    It was done to give me an evening.  I'm not afraid of him, but I'm in control of me.  Let me confuse him!!!!!!

Thank you, Almighty for keeping me safe.

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