Sunday, January 19, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I feel so calm.  As a result of this, I can notice so many wonderful things about the day.

Yesterday, with this in mind, I took a TWO HOUR WALK.   This is unheard of on a January day.  It was cold, crisp and cloudy, but I found the day to be beautiful and enjoyed every moment of it.

I came home to his ranting about his life and how it didn't work.  I listened as I ate dinner and said very little of consequence.  Later, I realized that things had really changed since that fateful day.  I was the cement that held our relationship together.  When I began to evidence ALL THE YOGA PRINCIPLES, his life fell apart because he had no one to bully.  That was an amazing revelation.  Thank you, Almighty for my strength.

We saw, HER last night.  I thought that it was a remarkable film.

This morning, I have already done chores.  I am going to my LEVEL ONE yoga class.  I will then put gas in the truck and pick up DD.  My intention is to have breakfast, read the newspapers and take the dog for grooming.

Later, I will walk.  The day looks glorious!!!!!   I hope to read RETURNED, which by the way is going to be a new television show.

Tonight, I will stir-fry tofu and hopefully watch my newest show, TRUE DETECTIVE.

Thank you, Almighty for my calmness which has allowed me to enjoy each and every moment of every day.

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