Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for today!!!!

I am healthy.  I am happy.  I am calm.

The weekend was a good one.  I know exactly what to say, when to say it and when not to.  We did go to see a film yesterday and then went out to dinner.

Today, he drove me to work.  It's going to snow.  We are going to get hit with a really bad storm.  My guess is that schools will close tomorrow.  He will hopefully find someone to shovel so I won't have to.   Meanwhile, my goal is to be safe.   In order to do that I need to be careful about what I say.  Listening is the way to go.  He will be looking to play "gotcha" and I won't give him the opportunity to do that to me.  He will be delicately mentioning emotional issues so that I react. I'm not going to.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I am aware of this and I know what to do.

I'm at work now.  I wonder if there will be school tomorrow.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this day.

Later-   There is no school tomorrow because of the storm.   I did not knock myself out making dinner because he hates tofu.  And now we are discussing depression and cancer.  These are uplifting topics.  They are meant to upset me.  However it won't happen.  I finished my book and will start another.

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