Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am calm within myself and that allows me to notice and appreciate the small things in my life.

I have noticed that the days are getting longer.  When I leave school, I notice that it's lighter outside.  I have noticed and laughed at all the funny things that my dog has done.  I noticed the silence in the fog this morning.   I look at my nails and love the yoga symbols.  I really listen to colleagues when they speak to me.

I am allowing myself to have inner peace and that is a beautiful thing.

Last night, I really enjoyed the book discussion at the library.  I left with two more books to read.

Tonight I will attend a REIKI session since Leslie has gone to India on a vacation.

As far as he goes,  he's just background noise and that doesn't have to be noticed.

Thank you, Almighty, for helping me to notice and enjoy all the small things in my life.

I am grateful!!

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