Friday, January 17, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the gifts that I have received.

I am grateful for the gift of health.  My periodontist checkup was a good one and I celebrated afterwards.  I have a 3 day weekend and I will diet on Tuesday after my little vacation.

I am grateful for the gift of yoga.   This has allowed me to make beautiful changes in my life.  I try to live in the moment.  Today on the way to work, I noticed the chill in the air, the sun rising and the beauty of my ride to work.

I am grateful for the gift of being content with my new life and all the adventures that I have and will continue to have.

I am grateful for the rest that the Sabbath gives me and the synagogue that I belong to and the prayers that I saw in the Sabbath.

This is a 3 day weekend.   I am looking forward to it.  That in itself is a gift because no one can disturb it for me.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the gifts that I have received.

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