Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned to speak up in a quiet voice.

His attitude really bothered me this weekend.  Not that it detracted from my life, but I needed to let him know this.   Yesterday, after work, in a very quiet voice,  I did just that.  I would get no help from the rest of the Triad.  This was up to me.  I told him that I have a right to a life and that he needs to find activities that suit him.

That will never happen.  He is in deep mourning for me escaping and the fact that I have a life. It's a life that he can't destroy, hence the depressed feelings.  However, I was glad that I said what I did and was ready to move on.

I read my new book last night.

Tonight, I'm going to a wonderful book discussion.

I was glad that I spoke up in a quiet voice.  That too is a change for me. I'm not to be bullied. I made that clear.

I am grateful to the Almighty that I spoke up in a quiet voice.  NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE.  It's just that I took care of myself.

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