Monday, January 27, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty that I survived a weekend indoors with him bantering, being negative and trying so hard to upset me.

I survived it.  In past entries, I recorded all that I did happily.   I even made a delicious chicken cutlet/butternut squash dinner for myself because he hated everything that I cook for us and I told him to make something that he would enjoy.  (He made an egg.)

Honestly, I'm exhausted.  Exhausted from all the strategies that I had to put into place to keep safe.  Exhausted from working to keep myself from being depressed around him as I remember, even though I don't want to, all the cruel things that he has done to me.  

I realize that this weather will pass.  Life will resume.  My life will return.  He will be bitching and complaining as I walk out the door, going to an activity, that I don't spend time with him.  

It's just that while I'm going through it, it's tough.

However, I am grateful to the Almighty that I am back at work.  I'm here for five days.  I will enjoy each moment.  Although I will be tired, I will be happy.

Retirement???  That too will come in it's time.

Buying a condo??  A good discussion, but absolutely not.

I am grateful to the Almighty that I am back at work.

Later:  I went for coffee at our store and hung out with some people.     Conversation was really good. I discovered that a friend of mine bought a condo at The Seasons..............I'm thinking about my future!!!!!!   I did not speak to him all day under the guise of Regents.  I will call later. It's been a delightful day.  I EVEN SIGNED UP FOR A RESTORATIVE YOGA WORKSHOP ON MARCH 1!!!!

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