Sunday, June 23, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am setting intentions for the Summer of 2013 that I will definitely keep.

Intention #2 was to have a wonderful day.  Since yoga is encouraging me to have a grateful attitude, I have set intentions.

My wonderful day started with a delightful 2 hour walk early in the morning.   I then went to a wonderful yoga class and felt really good as a result of stretching all my muscles.      I put gas in the truck and headed to Dunkin' Donuts for not one.......but three cups of flavored coffee which I drank while reading my newspapers.

My wonderful day continued as I am now on the computer. 

My next intention will be to finish the wonderful book by Stephen King entitled, 11/22/63.

Having an intention keeps me on target.  Being grateful for something in life helps me to move forward.

As a result of intentions and gratitude, I practice beautiful stillness.  The Triad cannot upset me at all.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

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