Sunday, June 30, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for my strength, intelligence and fortitude.

This is going to be a very difficult week.  I am going out to the condo with him.  It's a very small place.   The memories there are not good ones.  The memories with him are definitely not good one culminating in July 31, 2012.

I am going to have to use everything that I have learned in yoga to keep myself safe.

This is why this is titled, Intentions 9-16.  There is one for each day.

June 30 (Sunday)-  I will smile as I practice stillness.

July 1   (Monday)-  I will be calm and quiet.

July 2   (Tuesday)-  I will be peaceful.

July 3   (Wednesday)-  I will focus on breathe.

July 4   (Thursday)-  I will focus on the fact that I am almost free.

July 5   (Friday)-  I will focus on listening before I speak.

July 6   (Saturday)-  I will focus on pride because I'm almost there.

July 7   (Sunday)-  I will focus on happiness.  I made it!  I'm back.

I don't know if I will remember all of these in this order.  But, I need to constantly remember stillness, and listening before I speak.

I will be fine.

I am grateful to the Almighty for helping me to figure this out.

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