Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for bringing me to yoga because yoga has given me the tools to be able to deal with the life I have.

I read yesterday's entry and was awed by it.  It says exactly what I feel and what I have to do in order to have a relaxing summer which I so need after what I have been through emotionally!!!!

When one says something like, "what you have to do," the task can be awesome.

I have decided, again with yoga's help, to break it down into an intention for the day.  Each day I will talk about a specific intention for the day.

Globally, my intention is to be happy each day of summer.  My intention is to practice stillness.  I have done that all year, however, I will be home and he will have more time to banter.  Stillness will be very effective because I can just listen.  Happiness will occur naturally because I am on vacation. 

Again, to quote yoga, " Each day, I will find something to make my heart sing."

Thank you Almighty, for helping me to find yoga and learn about intentions.

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