Friday, June 28, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for todays INTENTION # 7,  entitled CALM AND QUIET.

I am looking forward to a wonderful day filled with activities to make my heart soar. 

It has stopped raining and I will be able to walk for my usual 2 hours.

Then I'm going to take NOT ONE but TWO YOGA CLASSES.

More later..........................

The day was perfect and I definitely was CALM and QUIET.

Both yoga classes (RESTORATIVE AND LEVEL 1) were awesome.  I did well in both.

I came home to take Matzah with him to PETCO to be groomed.

We made a wrong turn on the way to a jewelry store where he wants to buy me a ring and found an Italian restaurant that I have been talking about.  He parked incorrectly and was hit in the bumper by a little old lady who did not want to give up her insurance.  HE CALLED 911.  I found myself texting my friends as I watched him in action.  I definitely maintained todays intention of being CALM and QUIET.

We purchased a beautiful ring.

We are now going to get the doggie.

Thank you Almighty, for helping me to set a CALM and QUIET intention.

I certainly needed it today.

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