Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned about intentions in yoga. 

They have really structured my days.

As I walked this morning for two hours on my first day of summer vacation,  I thought about INTENTION #4.

I realized that around people who are enemies, I would EXERCISE CAUTION in what I said.  That I thought was brilliant because it summed up exactly what I needed to do to keep myself safe.

He went to clean and look at the condo because he wants us to go there.  Are we selling it??  Should we sell it??  That's a mine field which I won't touch.   It's your decision, I told him.  He doesn't like being in charge.  He told me why.  There is no one to blame!!!!!

Meanwhile, I'm having a very happy day and will continue to do so.

I took the doggie on some errands and will go on others this afternoon.  I am enjoying my time off as I continue to EXERCISE CAUTION!!!

Thank you, Almighty for teaching me about intentions.

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