Monday, June 17, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the strength and fortitude that he ha given me.

He has made me a strong woman and for that I am so grateful.

As I walked in to work today, I couldn't help but think about the date, JUNE 17.    It is the day that my second daughter was born.  I had her through artfiicial insemination.  He did not have sex with me on the day before the procedure and was not there on the day of her birth.  It was all left up to me.  I had strength and fortitude thanks to the Almighty.

Today is again another JUNE 17.  It is again Dana's birthday.   He is going for a PET scan to see if his cancer has returned.   I can't be like him and not care.  I didn't sleep well last night. But, I did not take the day off to go with him.   

He is in my life, but not of my life.

As I think of the entire family, I realize that no one hit the normal benchmarks. Another time, we will discuss the girls.  However, the marriage never hit normal benchmarks.  It was filled with tremendous abuse culminating in what happened to me last JULY 31.  That was also when my older daughter showed her true colors.

Thanks to the Almighty,  I have the strength and fortitude to survive.  This is a no win situation. Last year, when the PET scan was normal, we ended up with a JULY 31.  

I don't make life and death decisions.  He doesn't walk on my earth.  I hope that he is fine so that I don't get any more drama.

However, events have changed me and made me stronger.

For this I am eternally grateful to the Almighty.

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