Friday, June 14, 2013


My summer vacation will be approaching in 6 days.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the life that I have created for myself..

The activities that I have are wonderful.  For example, tomorrow after services,  I will be attending my monthly MEDITATION WORKSHOP.   I have a birthday party to go to afterwards.  Then there is walking.  In the evening there might be a movie to watch or an incredible book to read.

On Sunday, I will walk.  Then I will go to my YOGA CLASS.   I will put gas in the car and go to Dunkin' Donuts for delicious coffee.

I have scheduled a manicure/pedicure for later in the afternoon.  My biggest problem is what color or colors do do since it's going to be a funky summer for me.

I need to have the intention to always remember that I bring  MYSELF  from  DARKNESS  to LIGHT.   My intention is to be happy and to LET GO FULLY THOSE THINGS OR PEOPLE THAT DO NOT SERVE ME SO I CAN HEAL.

I will practice  STILLNESS and QUIET.

If I remember these things, my summer will be relaxing and wonderful!!!

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