Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I am thankful to the Almighty that his PET SCAN was  a good one.

Does that mean that I can have a good summer???  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!  One just has to recall July 31, 2012 after the "good PET SCAN" of last year!!!!

If  I follow the structure and discipline and rules that I have created for myself this year, my summer can be a very good one.

If I follow the rules of yoga and the mantra that I have created for myself, my summer will be delightful.

The danger is to believe that he is really a decent and loving person.  

The danger is to negate his entire history and live in the illusion.  

The danger is in speaking to him as if he were a normal and loving person.

The danger is in trying to teach him something.

The danger is in sharing my life with him.

The danger is having hope that he is different.

The danger is in becoming my mother, a person taken in by lies.

I have not worked so hard this year to let this happen.  I may think thoughts, but will not act on them.  I may make plans in my mind and not act on them.

I will deal with the person in front of me, with the age he is, with the history he has with me and not with the illusions that I have.

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