Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the successes that I have had this school year which is coming to a close very soon.

I had no idea as to how I would face this year considering what had happened to me on July 31, 2012.

However, I now see, that with the Almighty's help, I am a really strong woman.  I say this based on all the things that I was able to accomplish this year.   I had a wonderful school year.  I made some vey close friends here.  I was able to participate in all my activities at home.  I did my yoga. I walked.  I meditated.  I went to services and laughed with friends.  I went to Sisterhood functions.  I read all the books for all of the book clubs.  I went to dinner with friends. I took a class at the Adult Jewish Institute and drove myself.  I went to interesting yoga workshops.  I went shopping......................and more....................!!!!!

I did not allow what they did to me to destroy me.  However, it did change me for the better.  I eliminated them coming for the High Holy Days.  I used a political tactic saying that they really don't believe in it.   I eliminated dinner for my birthday.  After the horrific fight that was had the year before when they observed Christmas instead of my birthday, there was no need for celebration with them.  I shortened Mother's Day to 2 hours as a dinner in the evening with no gift at all. Make a donation to a charity is what I said.  I have everything I need.

I have made changes in myself because that is the only one that can be changed.  I practice stillness. I have developed a beautiful mantra combining a Hebrew prayer with yoga sayings. I say it every morning.  I allow him to be in charge. That way, he can blame himself if he doesn't like something.   I only answer what I choose to.  I don't fall for any of his lines.  I have taken off and put away wedding bands.  I don't need gifts from him.  I purchase my own meaningful jewelry.  I have changed the word "dreams" to "illusions."  I have given up all false illusions.  If catch myself being upset or depressed, I bring myself back.

I salute all my own accomplishments.  I salute my failures because that showed that I tried.  I move forward, always.

I am planning the summer for myself, like a good general.  

I joined the pool so that I am not sitting in the house like a target. I am researching the The Greenbelt Trail.

I am grateful to the Almighty for bringing me to this point in time.

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